For those of you with children in college, we suggest adding a few documents to your back-to-school checklist. Once children turn eighteen, parents are no longer legally able to make most medical or financial decisions for their children. Therefore, we recommend that every college student has the following documents drafted to ensure that parents are still able to assist them in the case of an emergency.
Powers of attorney allow students to appoint an agent to make decisions for them if they are incapacitated. As their child’s medical and financial agent, parents can make informed decisions about care with their child’s physicians and handle any legal and financial issues that may arise.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects the privacy of individuals’ medical records. While HIPAA is typically beneficial, it can pose issues when families need to know important information about their child’s condition. A HIPAA release allows students to authorize specific loved ones to access their medical information in an emergency.
Please give us a call at (512) 699-5632 and we can get started on these important documents. Remember to ask us about our special community pricing!